Pull up a chair and visit for a while.

I like to write about life, things that make me laugh and of course my crafty projects. My faith centers me and serving the Lord is a big part of my life. I love my hubby and kiddos, our four-legged family member, music, books, TV, good food and creating things.

Thanks so much for stopping by! God bless.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Little One

wow, can't believe I haven't posted in a few weeks. We've been able to do a few fun things with the kids and have enjoyed some awesome summer weather around here - even gave the AC window unit a workout.
Yesterday was Little One's 8th birthday; she wanted a Panda theme.
Here's the cake:

Geez, working with the black icing tubes is a real pain in the behind, but I'm pretty happy how it came out.
Here is Little One with some of her presents:
We munched on some yummy sushi for lunch and I made some chinese food for dinner (in honor of the Panda theme). All in all a good birthday for the little lady.
I will have some more projects photographed soon for a summer project roundup posting.

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