Pull up a chair and visit for a while.

I like to write about life, things that make me laugh and of course my crafty projects. My faith centers me and serving the Lord is a big part of my life. I love my hubby and kiddos, our four-legged family member, music, books, TV, good food and creating things.

Thanks so much for stopping by! God bless.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Panda Dress

Just wanted to start showing off my summer projects with Little One's Panda Dress. SHE LOVES PANDAS. A LOT. So of course she had requested I make her a Panda Dress this summer. So this morning I cut up a few T-Shirts from my stash and came up with this for my girly girl:

Little One with her best pal Bamboo enjoying the sun in the backyard (sorry the dress appears to be crooked but it's not, she's just a major wiggleworm).
Am I Supermom or what???
Now I am attempting to add some length to a purple summer dress I found at WallyWorld for about $3, it's one of those short dresses that shows entirely too much leg (especially the out-of-shape pasty kind I have). Hopefully it will improve greatly once I'm done with it.
Well I better finish this, have Offspring waiting in the wings itching to blow up some bad dudes on the computer...
Have a blessed day, everyone.

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