Pull up a chair and visit for a while.

I like to write about life, things that make me laugh and of course my crafty projects. My faith centers me and serving the Lord is a big part of my life. I love my hubby and kiddos, our four-legged family member, music, books, TV, good food and creating things.

Thanks so much for stopping by! God bless.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

It might be gray outside...

... but I have spring blossoms on my mind.

Here's a pic of some fingerless ruffly gloves that I made for someone at my work; I wear the "prototype" over my regular knit gloves to keep my wrists warm.

Just looking at these fleece flower pins makes me forget the nasty wet weather around here.

I will be making more of these lovelies... so many colors to choose from ... next up hot pink!
I took Little One to the Dollar Store (my fave) to pick up some supplies to make Valentine's Day decor for the living room... I have been drooling over the awesomely creative projects out there in blogland... especially the Subway Art and the paper/fabric rosettes. Hoping to be able to squeeze some creative time in this week, it will a busy one between work/evening classes and of course MomTime.
I better keep this short, the offspring are getting restless and are threatening to raid the fridge...
Have a blessed evening. C.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sprechen Sie Wordle???

Hi, there -

just wanted to show off this neat site where you can create "word clouds". You can manipulate the layout, colors etc. until you come up with a unique piece of artwork.

Here's mine.

This baby will be framed and hung over my craft area (aka. the breakfast counter, I know I'm just THAT cool!)
Try it out, it's fun.
I better finish off now, the offspring are getting restless and about to raid the fridge...


Welcome to Apple Blossom Lane!

Hello, all -
I have been thinking about making some changes to the blog for a while now. The hounds logo and the blog name were not really what I wanted them to be. After some failed attempts to either try to be clever ("Cheaper than Therapy") or cute ("My favorite things" along with a horrendously corny rendition of the lyrics from "The Sound of Music"), I figured simplicity would be best. One of my favorite things about our house is the crabapple tree right outside the kitchen window. I love seeing it throughout the year and especially love seeing the apple blossoms turning the tired-looking tree into a work of beauty.
Thinking about a little farm house in the country with a slightly overgrown garden on Apple Blossom Lane just makes me smile... a bit removed from our cookie-cutter place in a cookie-cutter neighborhood in a suburban area... maybe someday...

So welcome to the musings here at Apple Blossom Lane!
Blessings, C.